
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Things I've Learned This Week

1. Nothing makes a child happier than a new tool kit...

...especially when she gets to decorate it herself.

2. No matter how authentic the costume, Erik doesn't make a very convincing Frenchman.
What do you mean, I look like a German spy? I am French, I tell you!
3. I can draw a pretty good dragon using eyeliner. I have finally found my artistic medium.

4. Stylish can sew an awesome dress without help from anyone.

5. I don't care what anyone says; funny translations are funny translations.
I will make sure my bread isn't infected with wreckers, as instructed.
6. If you let your kids play with food colouring, you get what you deserve.


  1. That looks like a really fun week!

  2. Audrey, Poppa loves your new tool kit. He wants one just like it.

    Martha, I love your new dress & can hardly wait to begin sewing with you.

    Erik, what can I say: a fashion model.

    It sounds like everyone has had a wonderful vacation.
    Love Grannie

  3. Fun post! It's amazing what you learn in a week, isn't it? JEN Garrett


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