
Friday, August 10, 2012

What I Did On My Summer Vacation

Last night we arrived in Nuku Hiva, and the internet has opened half a sleepy eye in my direction.  So here are some photos to show you just what Papillon has been up to for the past month.

While school children back home ate popsicles and endured the chipper counselors at camp, we broke a fool number of things on Papillon during the 3000 NM journey from the Galapagos to Fatu Hiva.

Something isn't right here.  Wait, wait, don't tell me...
We caught a lot of fish for dinner.

I caught this myself!
The kids played hide-and-seek.

Heh heh heh.  They'll never find me here.
Erik ascended the mast almost daily to adjust chafe gear.

Sailing tip: a climbing background is essential to happy cruising.
We lost the wind completely.  While we were becalmed, we went for a swim mid-Pacific.

Happy, happy, happy.
A pod of dolphins came to visit.

 Three weeks after leaving San Cristobal, we made it to Fatu Hiva.

Misty, rocky loveliness.
We swam at the foot of a waterfall.

You can't swim too often.
And we made friends.  I can hereby report that children around the world are forged in the same mold.  When they were together, the kids were constantly covered in water and mud.

Yay!  A hose!
Tomorrow, Erik is off on a mast-search.  We've heard there are spare masts lying about here and there on the island, so he and a friend are going hunting.  Here's hoping they have some luck.


  1. May the gods of masts shine upon Erik when he searches the island.

    Go dophins go!Now we know why you loved this little piece of paradise.

    Love Grannie

  2. Congrats on a spectacular passage. Good luck with the repairs.

  3. Hi Papillion Crew:
    Juia and I loved the amazing video. You guys are very lucky! Safe travels.
    Carol P


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